Naming Convention

We use the full name and acronym in brackets naming convention, typed in snake case (which uses a _ between words).

  • Full Name
  • Acronym in brackets
  • Snake Case

e.g. Internal_Family_Systems_(IFS)

This allows users to search for names using both full name and acronym, and also to read separate words in long names easily.

How to add a page

As a first step, please use the search function and see if a page has been created previously. If a page exists please add your writing to the existing page. If it does not exist, you can create your own page. To do this please type the following - using the example of Internal Family System (IFS).

NB: You must use the #Naming Convention detailed above.


Templates will give you the format of how to structure a page for a specific type of topic.

e.g. If you were creating the IFS page above you would add the following code to the top of the page and it would create a layout for you.


A list of all templates can be found here. Templates
