Resources for Suicidal Ideation

By LiberationGardenista

Suicide Hotline

r/SuicideWatch Hotline Page Maintains lists of phone numbers and chat options for those in crisis.

r/SuicideWatch Hotline FAQ If you have concerns about calling a hotline, this page may help.

r/SuicideWatch list of self-help resources This list is focused on

r/SuidiceWatch Talking Tips Here are some simple, proven strategies for talking to people at risk.

r/SuicideWatch Risk Assessment Guide

Crisis Tools

Crisis Safety Plan Template Safety box - put together a box of things that make you feel good. In the box you can put pictures of safe spaces, good smells, and fidget toys. You don’t have to use it all the time but it’s a nice exercise that is life affirming and there if you want it. 54321 Grounding Exercise for when your nervous system is in overwhelm (a.k.a. crisis). It’s a great example of a practical and easily accessible tool. 54321 Grounding won’t fix everything, but when we build up a toolbox of things we can do when we are having a hard time, we spend more time in recovery and less in crisis. Here's a short Polyvagal exercise that can activate the vagus nerve to help regulate your nervous system. The core feature is using your peripheral vision to signal safety, but there's more to it.

Self soothing

Similar to the previous resource but a little different, here is one type of self soothing by grounding to one's senses. Nurturing self care actions can be a form of self soothing. This could be making an effort to make your bed feel like a safe space, or singing made-up songs to oneself. Affirmations: "I will do everything in my power to provide for myself. I will take care of you. I am safe. I will be okay. I am okay. Yes, that is hard. I see you and I care." Here's a song, poem, and second poem that I find very powerful.

IFS Therapy

When my regular therapy sessions were not helpful, learning about Internal Family Systems saved me. It has been very transformational for me over the last two years, practicing by myself and with peers. I learned primarily from the internet and talking with peers. There is an abundance of information found online for free: videos, podcasts, websites, and forums. Book - Self Therapy: A Step-By-Step Guide to Creating Wholeness and Healing Your Inner Child Using IFS, A New, Cutting-Edge Psychotherapy by Jay Earley Book - No Bad Parts: Healing Trauma and Restoring Wholeness with the Internal Family Systems Model by Richard Schwartz Ph.D. Intro & overview PDF called Exploring Your Own System

Polyvagal Theory and Somatic Experiencing

Trauma is not just a psychological experience located in the brain. Our nervous system plays a big role in our mental state. Trauma is also stored in the body. We can use Polyvagal theory and Somatic Experiencing to learn how to regulate the nervous system and release trauma.

Intro to Polyvagal Theory Working with the window of tolerance Four Ways to Turn on the Parasympathetic Response Chronic Freeze Response Felt Sense Polyvagal Model of Addiction Video Article Check out resource # 13 for book recommendations, section “Somatic Trauma”

Karla McLaren's book Language of Emotions

Here is a youtube playlist with some information from Karla on Emotions and their purpose. Learning about emotions helps us connect to and understand our needs. This is essential for trauma recovery and life itself.

Non Violent Communication

It helps people communicate in a way that effectively expresses experiences and needs, as well as teaches us to listen in a way that the other person feels understood. There is a book you can read or listen to, but you can also find free information online. Three minute video introduction Key assumptions and intentions of NVC Subreddit


Community, family, and friends are essential to meeting our basic human need for connection. Learning about the below three topics will help with social anxiety and to strengthen existing relationships.

Healthy boundaries: Comprehensive Article and Book Non Violent Communication Attachment Theory

More Therapies

One therapy is not enough on its own, building up skills will increase internal resources and resiliency. People also recommend DBT, EMDR, NARM, AEDP, and Memory Reconsolidation. Here is a list of Therapeutic Harm Reduction Suggestions I wrote after having some bad experiences with therapists.

Social Issues Perspective

Suicidal ideation is not just an individual's issue. It is the result of oppression, systemic abuse, and class warfare. We need to get political to understand the root causes of human suffering. Looking at suicidality through the lens of human systems gives context and a bigger picture. It can help us see that mental distress is a reasonable response to unreasonable circumstances. ACE’s (Adverse Childhood Experiences) connect the dots between systems and consequences for individuals. A book on my to-read list that speaks to this subject is The Deepest Well by Nadine Burke Harris M.D. Here is a podcast about the nonprofit mental health awareness movement and how it is a placebo that does nothing to stop the socio-economic conditions that create mental illness. On my to-read list Laziness Does not Exist Suicide Narratives -This website teaches aboriginal wisdom that can help us reframe the suicidal experience. Instead of thinking of suicidal people as broken, it offers a different viewpoint. What if suicidal people are holders of wisdom? What if society should listen to this wisdom to learn what needs to change so we can reduce our collective suffering?

Self Sovereignty

Don't let other people's opinions bulldoze your inner knowing. You are your number one advocate. You know yourself best. If someone is giving you grief, or not doing what's best for you, or giving bad advice: ignore them. You know what is right for you. You have a right to existence. No other human has a right to question that. We all have a right to self sovereignty and authority to evaluate for ourselves what is right or wrong. Take up space and speak up for your right to life. Here is a human needs list to help you assess what areas of your life where your basic needs aren't being met.

The Integral Guide to Well-Being

A Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Field Guide to help recover from Trauma.

CPTSD and Mental Health Book Recommendations

These recommendations come from many people and are appreciated by the CPTSD and mental health community. These books will help along the way to a happier life.